Every Disciple Sent is a 9-part video series that equips churches, teams, and individuals across Canada to engage with the mission of Jesus to see millions of Canadians transformed by the Gospel.

If your church, bible study, small group, youth group or team want to impact your community by sharing the Gospel, visit Every Disciple Sent and access our video series, events and schools. 

The tools EDS taught were simple to understand. The team modelled so well on how to use them. The passion they carry and the love from which they live were instrumental in helping to catapult us into starting our own weekly outreach.

Dayne Klassen

Kelowna, BC


“The future of the Canadian Church hinges on the equipping and sending of every believer.”


Sharing the Good News of Jesus is important for Canadian Christians. They wholeheartedly give and pray to see the Gospel impact lives. Sadly, the vast majority of Canadian Christians do not regularly share their faith with the lost—leaving many communities without a Gospel witness – simply because they don’t know how. Alpha Canada found that only 9% of Canadian churches prioritize evangelism.

Believers who engage with Every Disciple Sent connect with a movement and tools that will empower them to share the Gospel and send new disciples resulting in revival, salvations and baptisms in their community. 

Through the equipping and sending of every disciple, the Canadian Church will be known for boldness, purity and obedience as it sparks a missions movement capable of fulfilling the Great Commission. 

The Every Disciple Sent Video Series is part of our strategic model to equip churches and teams across Canada. To access the series and spark a missions movement in your community visit Every Disciple Sent.