"HE is real friends!"
The Toddcast (hosted by Todd Carlton) is Disciple A City’s first podcast that captures the heart of the ministry (which includes slamming Tim Hortons and slaying devils)!
Our guests share their ups and downs and how the reality of Christ has made them active sharers of the Gospel. Our guests include Mike Fisher (NHL), James Mead (Kutless), and many other guest stories just as powerful. The common similarity of every guest is that Jesus has set them free!
Todd’s fantastic ability to host a conversation allows his guests to open up about their faith and lives, which proves how Jesus is in the business of restoring people and giving them hope!

Todd's Story
Todd felt empty after achieving all his personal goals in life. His emptiness and incredible praying wife led him to give his life to Jesus. By the love, power and mercy of God, Todd was born again in Christ! He now lives a full life and shares what he found in the Gospel of Jesus with every person he meets!
Your Donation towards Disciple a City allows us to cover the costs associated with the Toddcast Ministry.