// The Role of Kingdom Culture in the Great Commission
“If evangelism equipping provides a road map towards missional obedience, kingdom culture provides the fuel to move down the road.”
The crafting and celebration of culture for any group is a practice that allows others to join, grow in and replicate. We, as Disciple a City, have recognized that building and celebrating around Kingdom Culture is a crucial component for mobilizing the Canadian Church (teams, churches, individuals & organizations) to fulfill the Great Commission. Without embracing the culture found in the Son of God and His Kingdom, we will fail to adequately mobilize the Church to fulfill its mission to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20). Evangelism tools are a road map, and culture built from biblical core values is the fuel to move down the road.
Texas A&M University defines culture this way: A culture is a way of life of a group of people – the behaviours, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next. Culture is symbolic communication.
What is Kingdom Culture?
Kingdom Culture is discovered through the life and teaching of Jesus, found in the Word of God, who, by His death and resurrection for the forgiveness of sin, sent the Holy Spirit from God to indwell the Church. Through the gift of the Bible and the Holy Spirit, the Church grows in maturity (the conviction of sin, righteousness and judgment – John 16:8-10) and effectiveness in its mission to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20). Kingdom Culture is discovered and experienced by identifying, building around and celebrating what God values.
Kingdom Culture is a way of life when we build our lives around the core values found in the life and teaching of Jesus. The embracing of Kingdom culture creates an ecosystem of growth in which disciples of Jesus learn to live out their corporate and individual responsibilities to share the Gospel and disciples new believers.
Disciple a City embraces biblical core values that help people step into missional obedience in Kingdom Culture. These core values are conveyed and modelled through our staff, volunteers, events, music team (DACM), and schools, which prioritize encountering the Holy Spirit through His gifts. We have found building around and celebrating Kingdom family, joy, obedience, sharing testimonies, faith, worship, God’s presence, repentance of sin, freedom from sin, baptism, the Holy Spirit’s filling and gift activation, biblical literacy, personal responsibility/accountability and empowerment act as catalytic agents for believers/churches to effectively live out their call to share Gospel and make disciples. An evangelism tool can make the Gospel easier to share; Kingdom culture exemplifies why sharing the Gospel is expected, valued and celebrated.
// Why Disciple a City Music, the Toddcast, and the Practice (and Priority) of Spiritual Gifts?
To serve the Church in its obedience to fulfill the Great Commission, Disciple a City founded a worship team (DACM), a podcast (the Toddcast), and embraces the use of spiritual gifts (listed in 1 Corinthians 12 & 14, Romans 12:4-8, 1 Peter 4:10-11) to cultivate a culture that prioritizes encountering God, evangelism and disciple-making.
// Disciple a City Music
“Songs calling us to His heart and mission.”
Disciple a City Music (DACM) is a worship collective in pursuit of His Presence. With songs calling us to His heart and mission, together they serve the Canadian church and raise a sound for the nations. They aim to bring His Kingdom, and to see His mission accomplished- every life transformed by the Gospel of Jesus.
“In Spirit and in truth…” – John 4:24
“Disciple a City Music is such an amazing group! Their hearts for worship, their servant attitudes and their commitment to leading people in worship are felt and experienced in working with them. From the details to the worship sets I would recommend them repeatedly! We will surely have them back to lead at our church.”
// The History and Mission of Disciple a City
In 2016, a small group of believers in Peterborough hosted a weekend event where they helped train 100+ of their friends to share the Gospel. Those who were trained saw 13 people come to Jesus that weekend. More than that, they discovered that reliance on the Spirit of God, simple tools and living in unity could transform their city.
Since that event, almost every local church in Peterborough has been trained with simple tools to share the Gospel and hundreds more people have come to Jesus.
The Disciple a City team has founded a hub of missional activity where churches, organizations, and disciples connect to be activated to fulfill the Great Commission in Canada.